

2023 Reflections & Marketing Predictions for Solopreneurs

I'm Rachel!

Marketing strategist. Former Ayurveda Health Coach, Yoga Instructor & Holistic Nutritionist. Avid reader. Pitta. 4/6 Manifesting Generator. Obsessed with my Golden.

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It’s either Adele’s “Someone Like You” or a zillion ideas about how to elevate my clients’ marketing on my showering mental agenda.

The shower is my happy place. Don’t judge me but…I am an avid hair washer?.

It may be a product of playing 4 varsity sports in high school (#smalltownprobs) and constantly showering after games or practice. I’m used to 2-a-day showers.

They make me feel energized and happy (and I swear my skin looks better when I wash my hair…even if my face routine is the exact same.)

No, I will not be “training” my hair to look beautiful with its natural oil. No matter how many times I say I’m going to.

So this year’s 2022 review happened…you guessed it…in the shower. I had the steam on and the lavender essential oils misted and spent (too much) time thinking about what I wanted to learn from this year and predict for the next.

Also, a big thanks are due to my good friend Sheree (hi, Sheree!) for pushing me to share 5 things I’m proud of this year.

5 Things I’m Proud of from 2022

? 1. Getting married and having it be fun and low-stress. My people mean everything to me and I’m so proud of the people in my life. *cue eyes watering* at remembering how loved I felt all year as people helped me celebrate.

?2. Handling transitions! This year has seen a lot of change. Many of you know that my business partner and I made the tough decision to go separate ways after years of building SoulFull Veda together. We had an epic ride, and it was hard to let go of what felt like a “business baby”. But I’m so proud of myself for pivoting into work that I absolutely love and am obsessed with.

?‍♀️3. Finding communities that support me. Being a solopreneur can be lonely, and I’m really happy I went through the extra effort of finding other independents to act as my “board of advisors” and to create an “office culture” with. It has made such a big difference.

?4. Owning more of who I am. I used to hate when people talked about the Visionary and Integrator roles. The Visionary sounded sexy, and they’re usually the ones getting the praise. But once I owned that I’m a doer – I enjoy getting things done and moving the needle – the world opened up for me and opportunity after opportunity came flying my way.

? 5. Having patience and doing the small things right has made a world of difference in my life. I no longer feel rushed to get where I’m going, and the quality of what I deliver feels so aligned to what I want to be sharing.

Each of these could be its own blog, as there was a lot of lesson-learning this year?.

2023 Marketing Predictions for Solopreneurs

?1. Consumers are shopping differently, and they do their own research. We live in a world where everything, every answer, and everybody is essentially at our fingertips with technology. Prospects are going to want to be able to get answers to their questions as easily as possible – pricing, details, reviews, etc.

?2. Quality is how you win. IMO quality should always win, but with people being more mindful of their dollars and the internet looking like a giant copy-and-paste frenzy…people are tired of regurgitated messages. 

?3. People want to know your values (this is different than your opinions, btw). With recent exposés, like the Balenciaga ads and the CVS donations stories, trust and rapport are more important than ever. 

?‍?4. Personalization will continue to grow. We have more data than ever, and our clients expect us to use it. They want relevant messaging that makes sense and doesn’t feel haphazard.

?5. Ad City. Social ads – especially on Facebook/Instagram – are going to grow even more next year. Meta is struggling to fund Metaverse, and they’ve already laid off a big chunk of their workforce to free up cash. My guess is that the investment needed to continue that expansion will come through a push to have more ads on their platforms. 

Here’s how I’m adjusting my habits based on what I’ve seen in the market and within my own business.

1. Consumers want more transparency — I track everything I do for clients (and our progress) in Asana so I can share with prospective clients what exactly I do, how long it usually takes, and what the results are.

2. Quality & uniqueness factor is how you win — I’m continuing to hone in my content writing voice so that everything I share sounds uniquely like *me* (and is hard to copy)

3. Values forward — I want to continue sharing my “behind the scenes” of my style, who I like working with, and what I deeply care about so I attract people who align with me.

4. Personalization — I’m planning to do more surveys with no brainer prizes that give me insight into how to make content that’s *can’t put the phone down* reading material (Taylor Jenkins Reid I’m coming for ya)

5. Pay to play — I’ve been boosting posts that do organically well for a while, and I’ve recently begun running ads outside of my content. I’m going to keep experimenting with and tweaking my ads and share when I feel good about the insights.

I’m curious to hear what you’re excited about in your business and what trends you predict are coming down the pipeline. Leave me a comment below!

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Hi, I'm Rachel.
Your Biz Bff + New Marketing Team.

I've been you. After graduating from business school and working at a digital agency, I left the 9-5 grind and went *all in* on studying Ayurveda, Yoga, Holistic Nutrition, and Reiki. I co-built a wellness brand for 3 years until I realized my magic isn't in being a practitioner, but in being the bestie, marketing team, and hype woman behind the scenes.

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