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Interview: Beth Rosewood | Embodied vs. Dysregulated Feminine in Business

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Beth is back for this month’s guest interview!

I interviewed Beth last December to talk about the seasons of business.

But when I heard her take on what embodied vs. dysregulated feminine looks like in business, I knew she had to come back. She has a lot to share, so I’ll be quiet now and let you read on…

If something is in (parentheses), it’s added in by me! 😊

🗣 Rachel: What are the biggest misconceptions people have about the words ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’?

🍃Beth: One of the biggest misconceptions is that feminine and masculine are opposing forces, with the feminine being chaotic, weak, or passive, and the masculine being dominant, aggressive, or rigid. This overly simplistic view misses the richness and nuance of both energies.

For women, the feminine isn’t just an energy we tap into—it’s deeply rooted in our biology, physiology, and spiritual design. Our entire being is designed to flow with intuition, creativity, nurturance, and receptivity. Physiologically, this shows up in our hormonal cycles, the architecture of our brains, our nervous system responses, and even our muscle mass. Women are designed to process information holistically, paying attention to subtle details and nurturing relationships and ideas over time. Our hormonal rhythms—particularly through our menstrual cycles—impact how we experience energy, emotions, and creativity. These are all fundamental aspects of what it means to embody feminine energy.

But here’s where the misunderstanding happens: People think that to succeed, women need to adopt masculine energy. We saw this during the boss babe era, where the narrative was all about hustle, push, and grind—approaching business and life as if we were built the same way men are. But operating in this way, disconnected from our feminine design, leads to burnout, stress, and dissatisfaction. That’s because we’re not meant to embody the masculine. Instead, we’re meant to invite in masculine support to create the structure, protection, and direction that allows our feminine to flourish.

The feminine thrives in environments that honor rest, flow, and intuition. This doesn’t mean we’re passive or weak—far from it. Feminine energy is a powerful force for creation and nurturance. It’s about being rather than doing, but that doesn’t mean we don’t take action. It means that the action comes from a place of alignment with our intuition, cycles, and deep wisdom.

The masculine plays a supportive role by providing the structure we need to let our feminine essence thrive. Think of the masculine as the riverbanks that allow the water (feminine) to flow freely and with purpose. The riverbanks don’t control the water—they create the safety and direction it needs to move with power.

When women embrace their feminine design, they tap into their natural rhythms, using their biological strengths—like cyclical energy patterns, emotional intelligence, and a finely-tuned nervous system—to create and thrive. The soft girl era, where there’s been a retreat into passivity, also misses the point. True feminine power isn’t about avoiding action or relying only on ease. It’s about recognizing the immense strength in our ability to create, nurture, and lead in a way that honors our unique physiology and design.

We don’t need to reject masculine systems like strategy, structure, or boundaries; we just need to understand their role. The masculine isn’t something we embody—it’s something we invite to support us, so we can fully live in our feminine and thrive in both life and business.

When we honor our feminine essence—biologically, physiologically, and spiritually—and pair it with the right masculine support, we create lives and businesses that are aligned, fulfilling, and sustainable. That’s where real success and creativity flow naturally.

Beth Rosewood business coach

🗣 Rachel: Tell me what the heck is going on in the culture of women in business. It seems we were hustling hardcore and then we hit the soft girl era. Where is the plane landing, exactly?

🍃Beth: Ah, yes—the pendulum swing! We’ve definitely seen two extremes lately. First, there was the “boss babe” era, where it felt like the only way to succeed was to grind endlessly and embody hyper-masculine traits. Hustle culture took over, and women were praised for burning themselves out to prove they could do it all. It was almost like we were trying to “out masculine” the masculine, leaving no space for softness, rest, or our natural rhythms.

Then, we swung all the way to the “soft girl” era, where suddenly the narrative shifted to embracing ease, self-care, and softness—but almost to the point of avoiding any form of structure or action. While this was a necessary course correction for many, it’s also not sustainable in the long term.

So, where’s the plane landing?

There is pain for women who spent years running themselves into the ground as a boss babe and now believe all work is masculine and they have to crucify their dreams alongside the hustle.

There’s a middle ground here that is being totally tuned out. That middle ground is what I call “Gentle Business”. Gentle Business honors your cyclical body, seasonal and intentional living, deep ancestral wisdom woven into your very DNA, and an intimate knowing of who you are.

🗣 Rachel: Let’s talk about embodied feminine vs. dysregulated feminine. How does this difference show up in our businesses?

🍃Beth: When I think about the difference between embodied and dysregulated feminine energies, particularly in how they show up in our work and lives here’s how I see it;

Embodied feminine is grounded, intuitive, and wise. It honors the natural rhythms of life and business, allowing us to move through seasons of creation, reflection, growth, and rest. An embodied feminine in business means you’re not trying to prove anything—you’re simply allowing yourself to flow and create from a place of fullness and alignment.

Dysregulated feminine, on the other hand, is chaotic and disconnected. It’s when we find ourselves overwhelmed, unable to make decisions, or constantly in a state of emotional reactivity. This can show up as burnout, endless cycles of overgiving, or feeling like we’re never quite enough. In business, this might look like launching something out of panic rather than strategy or constantly second-guessing ourselves, which leads to stagnation or confusion.

When we operate from a dysregulated feminine, we either get stuck in the “soft girl” phase where we’re passive and avoidant, or we overcompensate by adopting the “boss babe” archetype and start hustling in ways that feel misaligned and unsustainable.

(oof, this is sounding a little too relatable Beth!)

🗣 Rachel: You say hating on the “masculine” is the wrong strategy. Why is that?

🍃Beth: Rejecting the masculine is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. When we villainize the masculine, we lose the part of ourselves that craves direction, security, and stability. The masculine isn’t the enemy—it’s actually the structure that allows the feminine to flourish.

Again, come back to that metaphor of the masculine as the riverbanks and the feminine as the water. The water can flow freely, intuitively, and beautifully, but it needs the banks to keep it from spilling over and becoming chaotic. In business, this looks like having systems, boundaries, and strategic plans in place to give your creativity, intuition, and energy a sustainable pathway.

When we reject the masculine, we often end up in dysregulated feminine—constantly in our feelings, unable to make decisions, and without the structure we need to bring our visions to life. True feminine power isn’t about rejecting the masculine; it’s about understanding how to partner with it in a way that serves us and our businesses.

🗣 Rachel: What happens when women implement this in business?

🍃Beth: When women start integrating this balance of feminine flow and masculine structure, everything changes—both personally and professionally. Here’s what I’ve seen happen:

Clarity and Confidence: Instead of spinning in circles or getting caught up in perfectionism, women feel clearer about their direction and trust their intuition more. They know when to rest, when to take action, and how to listen to their bodies and their business.

Sustainable Success: Women stop burning out. They’re able to create long-lasting, sustainable businesses that don’t require them to hustle non-stop. By honoring their natural cycles, they build something that thrives even when they need to take a break.

Empowered Decision-Making: Decisions come from a place of alignment, not panic. Women are no longer paralyzed by fear of making the wrong move or driven by the need to prove something. Instead, they trust their inner guidance and use masculine systems to make those decisions actionable.

Creativity and Innovation: When the feminine feels safe, creativity explodes. Women start creating from a place of fullness, tapping into deeper layers of inspiration and innovation. They’re no longer stuck in survival mode, so they can focus on what they truly want to bring into the world.

Deeper Connection to Self: This balance allows women to reconnect with themselves on a deeper level. They honor their bodies, emotions, and intuition, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and peace in both their personal and professional lives.

In short, this balance creates thriving women with thriving businesses. It’s about stepping into a business model that works with you, not against you, and embracing both the feminine and masculine aspects of your being.

Beth is a mentor and guide for women looking to thrive in both life and business without sacrificing their health or femininity. With nearly a decade of experience in personal and business development, Beth combines somatic coaching, cycle syncing, and {gentle} business strategy to help women break free from burnout and hustle culture. Her approach honors the unique biology, energy, and rhythms of being a woman, creating a path to success that feels nourishing and aligned.

Beth’s offerings are designed to help women reconnect with their bodies and live in alignment with their unique female biology. Across all of her services, Beth emphasizes honoring natural rhythms, embracing cyclical living, and creating balance between life, wellness, and business. Every container supports women in embodying their feminine power, while also ensuring they thrive without compromising their well-being.

The Gentle Living Journey, which launched October 15th, is an ongoing membership that helps women align their daily routines, relationships, and self-care with their body’s natural cycles. It’s a space for women to live with ease and flow, embracing the beauty of intentional, cyclical living.

Now enrolling for 2025.

  • Haven is a personalized 3-month coaching experience where women dive deep into somatic healing, reconnect with their body’s wisdom, and fully embody their feminine essence.
  • The Gentle Business Jumpstart is a 4-month high-level business program designed to help women build thriving, feminine-led businesses that honor their biological rhythms and create sustainable success. In this one-to-one container you’ll learn to create a pleasurable, Gentle Business through strategic planning, harnessing the power of your female biology, somatic release, and developing masculine systems that provide safety and support.

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