
Practitioner Stories

Interview: Dylan Davino | SEO for your Holistic Health Practice

I'm Rachel!

Marketing strategist. Former Ayurveda Health Coach, Yoga Instructor & Holistic Nutritionist. Avid reader. Pitta. 4/6 Manifesting Generator. Obsessed with my Golden.

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Good people know good people.

That’s how I was introduced to today’s guest: Dylan Davino. We worked together on a mutual client. I supported content strategy, and he did website design and SEO.

  • I asked to interview him for this newsletter because for those of you who:
  • Have a local wellness practice
  • Host local events
  • Have a highly specific and niche practice
  • Blog or Vlog and want to monetize (or are monetizing)
  • Are brand new and don’t yet have a referral network or social presence

…SEO is highly important!

Social media is great for brand awareness and meeting new people, but most of those people aren’t actually ready to buy from you yet.

SEO helps you capture people who are already interested in learning more and buying from you.

Because what’s the first thing you (and most people) do when they have a question? They Google it!

BTW…SEO stands for search engine optimization, which means flying to the top of the search results when interested peeps are searching for anything that’s relevant to what you’re offering.

If something is in (parentheses), it’s added in by me! 😊

🗣 Rachel: Dylan, I’m excited to dive into SEO and online findability with you! What’s the #1 mistake you see solopreneurs make when it comes to making themselves more visible online?

🧐Dylan: The #1 mistake I see solopreneurs make is neglecting local SEO, particularly when it comes to their Google Business Profile. Many business owners focus solely on their website or social media, but if they have a brick-and-mortar location or provide services to a local area, they miss out on a significant opportunity by overlooking local SEO.

When people search for something like “Health Coach Near Me” or “Acupuncture CT,” the local map results are typically the first thing they see. This map is powered by local SEO, and being visible here can make or break your chances of capturing that business. It’s not just about being online; it’s about being findable by those who are closest to you and most likely to convert into paying customers.

🗣 Rachel: If you were starting from scratch, what would be the first 3 things you would do to a website to ensure potential clients can find it?


1. Create Individual Service/Product Pages: The first step would be to create dedicated pages for each service or product offered. I would think about what terms people might Google to find these offerings and conduct keyword research to pinpoint exactly what potential clients are searching for. Implementing those keywords strategically throughout the site is crucial. But it’s not just about driving traffic; it’s about making sure those visitors are impressed and engaged when they land on your page.

(That means instead of throwing all of your courses on a page called Courses, you want separate pages for each course: Meal Prepping for Busy Moms, Yoga for Chronic Shoulder Pain, or 30 days of Mantra Meditation for beginners)

2. Implement Testimonials and Social Proof: Testimonials and social proof are powerful tools for converting visitors into clients. They provide credibility and reassurance, showing potential customers that others have had positive experiences with your service or product. Incorporating reviews, case studies, and other forms of social proof not only helps attract visitors but also convinces them to take that next step—whether it’s reaching out, signing up, or making a purchase.

3. Optimize for SEO: Lastly, I’d take the necessary steps to ensure the site is fully SEO-optimized. This includes making sure the site is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and provides a seamless user experience. It’s also vital to ensure the site is indexed by Google, which simply means making sure search engines can find and display your site in search results. These foundational steps are key to not only getting your site seen but also to keeping visitors engaged once they arrive.

🗣 Rachel: How important is it to try to capture local searches, even if you’re a mainly online business?

🧐Dylan: Capturing local searches is absolutely essential for businesses with a local presence. As I mentioned earlier, local SEO plays a massive role in securing your spot at the top of Google and in attracting real, local leads and sales.

Even if your business is primarily online, local SEO can still be valuable. For example, if you offer services that can be provided remotely but want to target clients in a specific area, local SEO can help you establish dominance in that market. However, it’s most crucial for businesses that rely on local foot traffic or service area customers.

(Like I mentioned in my intro, if you’re a hyper-niche online business, SEO can help you shine! Let’s say you specialize in Postpartum Wellness for Thyroid Disorders. When people search questions re: this topic, you want your blogs, courses, or services to be front and center)

Dylan Davino, founder of Davino Digital

🗣 Rachel: How often should a solopreneur be updating their website?

🧐Dylan: As frequently as they’re making changes or progress in their business. Whether it’s new photos, fresh testimonials, or the addition of new products or services, these updates should be reflected on the site. This not only keeps the content current but also signals to both visitors and search engines that the business is active and evolving. Regular updates also provide opportunities to re-optimize content, improve user experience, and ensure the site continues to perform well in search rankings.

🗣 Rachel: Anything else you think would be super helpful for someone who is new/not tech savvy?

🧐Dylan: For someone new or not particularly tech-savvy, I can’t stress enough the importance of gathering 5-star reviews (on your Google Business Profile!). This is one of the secrets to ranking higher in local SEO and on your Google Business Profile. More positive reviews lead to greater visibility, but they also help build trust and authority for your business. A well-maintained profile with glowing reviews can make all the difference in converting searchers into customers.

Dylan Davino on top of a mountain in Zion National Park

🗣 Rachel: OK, time for the fun questions! What’s your favorite place in the world and why?

🧐Dylan: Zion National Park is the most stunning place I’ve ever visited. While it’s not somewhere I’d want to live, it’s definitely a place that leaves a lasting impression. The breathtaking landscapes, the sheer scale of the cliffs, and the unique beauty of the park make it an unforgettable destination.

🗣 Rachel: What’s the most random or interesting fact you know that most people don’t?

🧐Dylan: All the gold ever mined on Earth would fit into about three Olympic-sized swimming pools. It’s mind-blowing to think that something so rare and valuable is actually so limited in quantity.

🗣 Rachel: What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

🧐Dylan: In the summer of 2023, my brother and I embarked on a 50-day road trip around the entire USA. We drove 12,000 miles and explored about 30 states. Just two days into our trip, our brand-new trailer lost control and flipped on the highway, leaving it in pieces. Despite this, we walked away unharmed. At that moment, we considered ending the trip, but instead, we decided to continue without the trailer, living out of our car. It was a challenging decision, but ultimately, it was one of the best we ever made. The experience taught me that the best things in life aren’t easy—they often come with challenges, discomfort, and the need to push through adversity. But there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Even when you can’t see it, you have to keep moving forward.
Here’s a link to a Podcast telling the full story!
Watch on YouTube

More on Dylan: Dylan is the founder of Davino Digital, a top-rated web agency serving Connecticut and Rhode Island, specializing in web design and development, SEO, and site management. Check out their portfolio.

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Hi, I'm Rachel.
Your Biz Bff + New Marketing Team.

I've been you. After graduating from business school and working at a digital agency, I left the 9-5 grind and went *all in* on studying Ayurveda, Yoga, Holistic Nutrition, and Reiki. I co-built a wellness brand for 3 years until I realized my magic isn't in being a practitioner, but in being the bestie, marketing team, and hype woman behind the scenes.

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Marketing Strategy for Ayurveda and holistic health practitioners.