

How to get Featured in the Press as a Health Coach

I'm Rachel!

Marketing strategist. Former Ayurveda Health Coach, Yoga Instructor & Holistic Nutritionist. Avid reader. Pitta. 4/6 Manifesting Generator. Obsessed with my Golden.

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Getting featured in the media is a powerful, yet underused marketing tool in the world of small businesses. It’s not as easy as sharing a blog, but – like most things – the return is greater if you put in the extra effort upfront.

Publicity is especially important if you work in an unregulated industry – think holistic health, coaching, and energy healing. In a world and space where anyone can claim to be anything, people want a sense of certainty before they invest in working with you.

Think about how your pick your Doctor. Medicine is a regulated industry; those little letters after a doctor’s name (MD, OD, GYN) tell you what they studied and specialized in. Even then, we still like to ask for referrals or head to the Googs to see what others say before deciding.

“A media feature is the equivalent of a hundred positive reviews because even in today’s content-saturated world, consumers trust the media. If they see that a company they’re researching was featured in the press, they are more willing to do business there. And it doesn’t really matter if your press feature is a couple of years old. If you’ve been in, say, The New York Times once, you have now forever been “Featured in The New York Times”. It’s a badge that remains with you for life (or at least the life of your business).”

Sasha Vasilyuk

Your clients want to do a similar cycle of research before jumping in. You may have your certifications on your site, testimonials on your social, and maybe even an acronym of your own, but being associated with a known media source is another way to add credibility and authority to your credentials.


#1. Do your research

SERIOUSLY, do your research. This is step #1 because not only does it come first, but it also is the #1, top, biggest priority. I’ve fielded some incredibly bad, irrelevant, and misaligned pitches for podcast guests and blog contributors, and if this happens, you bet I’m not opening that second email from you.

Editors at major publications experience this tenfold, and they don’t like having their time wasted.

Before you begin writing your pitch, look through the articles and categories of the publication, and read the features that make the homepage and are within your niche.

This will help you get a feel for their brand and tone of voice, as well as notice where there may be holes you can fill with your unique perspective and expertise.

Keep an eye on what’s currently trending in the world, the types of stories that make the cover, and underlying themes that connect multiple stories. The key is to add to the current conversation or provide a unique perspective so there is a sense of urgency around getting your piece published.

#2. Pick an angle

If it’s been said before, don’t say it again. Say it in a new way, adding your experience, story, or new research to the piece. Here’s an example from a piece I had published on mindbodygreen.com in March of 2021 –

The Idea we know Works: Talking about the Doshas

The Angle: Common Misconceptions people have about the Doshas

This not only has the shock factor that gets people to click on and read the article, but it also is helpful and new information for readers who may feel frustrated by identifying their dominant Dosha type.

#3. Make it a story

Anyone can present the facts. Go a step further, and tell us about the facts and why we should care. Hearing things in a story makes them easier to remember, and it’s more entertaining for the reader. The idea of the article is to capture and hold the reader’s attention, which is easier to do when the piece is entertaining, as well as informative.

Use examples from your own life, your clients, or even friends and family to make it relatable and bring the facts to life.

#4. Show off your creds

If an editor is bringing you in as an expert on your topic or story, make them feel good about that decision. Health and wellness publications, especially, want to maintain their authority and credibility, so make your expertise clear to them in your pitch. List out your credentials, degrees, years of experience, and places you’ve been featured.

A lot of editors like to see examples of your work before accepting a pitch, so if you haven’t been featured on someone else’s podcast or blog, share other places where they can find your portfolio of work.

#5. Make their jobs easier

Editors will love you if you help save them time and energy (bonus tip – once you have a relationship with an editor, it’s much faster and easier to get something published!).

For example, if you’re submitting a digital article, find related pieces that your article can link back to. This boosts their website’s SEO and keeps their readers engaged for longer on their site (which is helpful if they monetize through advertising).

PR can be a powerful way to get seen by more people, establish your authority, and create relationships with writers and editors in the wellness industry. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. However, taking a few extra minutes to craft a great pitch and do your research goes a long way.

If you have dreams of being featured in magazines and getting recognized for your work, but you don’t have the time or energy to forge relationships within the industry, I’ve gotchu.

I’ve been getting myself and my clients in pubs like mindbodygreen, MANTRA, and Thrive for years. Apply to work with me here, and PR will be a small piece of the overall strategy I’ll help you bring to life in your business.

xo, Rachel Jeffries Murphy

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Hi, I'm Rachel.
Your Biz Bff + New Marketing Team.

I've been you. After graduating from business school and working at a digital agency, I left the 9-5 grind and went *all in* on studying Ayurveda, Yoga, Holistic Nutrition, and Reiki. I co-built a wellness brand for 3 years until I realized my magic isn't in being a practitioner, but in being the bestie, marketing team, and hype woman behind the scenes.

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