Practitioner Stories

Angela Perger: The Simple Ayurveda School

I'm Rachel!

Marketing strategist. Former Ayurveda Health Coach, Yoga Instructor & Holistic Nutritionist. Avid reader. Pitta. 4/6 Manifesting Generator. Obsessed with my Golden.

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Stories from practitioners that inspire you to think differently.

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What type(s) of holistic medicine or wellness have you studied and what do you specialize in?

Ayurveda, yoga, herbalism and education. Through higher education programs I share Ayurveda that’s rooted in the classical texts, but simplified enough so that you can practice it while wrangling toddlers or working full-time.

Tell us a little about you. What’s your backstory, and how did you get into holistic wellness?

My journey has had many ups and downs over the last two decades of holistic health studies, but Ayurveda has been the most powerful tool in learning how to listen to my body’s wisdom.

I teach Ayurveda because I know what it feels like to be physically ill and full of anxiety about life, and I also know what it’s like to wake up naturally at 5:30 AM excited for the day.

What’s your preferred style of work?

I facilitate a 600-Hour Online Ayurvedic Health Counselor Training Program that’s a year-long personalized intensive course of study that teaches the fundamentals in counseling clients and students.

I work with a small group and provide support every step of the way.

What is something you’re most proud of in your work?

I’m proud of cultivating meaningful relationships with students through trust, honesty and vulnerability.

Where do you get most of your health info from (outside of your traditional study). Are there any podcasts you love, books you’d recommend, or newsletters you enjoy getting?



Where do you meet most of your clients?

Through the Simple Ayurveda Podcast, Instagram and collaborations

If you could give one piece of advice to a new holistic practitioner, what would it be?

Stay true to your practices so that you have clarity to support others.

Where can people find you?

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  1. […] learn a fantastic amount from my daily yoga practice. I love the Simple Ayurveda podcast, studying with Leslie Howard, who is an expert in yoga for the pelvic […]

  2. […] forward a few months, and I was enrolled in the first cohort of Angela Perger’s Simple Ayurveda “Ayurveda Health Counseling” program. How thrilling to be able to help people access […]

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Hi, I'm Rachel.
Your Biz Bff + New Marketing Team.

I've been you. After graduating from business school and working at a digital agency, I left the 9-5 grind and went *all in* on studying Ayurveda, Yoga, Holistic Nutrition, and Reiki. I co-built a wellness brand for 3 years until I realized my magic isn't in being a practitioner, but in being the bestie, marketing team, and hype woman behind the scenes.

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Marketing Strategy for Ayurveda and holistic health practitioners.