

Reverse Engineering From Your Goals

I'm Rachel!

Marketing strategist. Former Ayurveda Health Coach, Yoga Instructor & Holistic Nutritionist. Avid reader. Pitta. 4/6 Manifesting Generator. Obsessed with my Golden.

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At the start of the new year, my husband and I sat down to review what we wanted for 2023.

We wrote down 8 buckets and talked about what we wanted this year for each one (no powerpoints present, although I was considering it…) –

  • Home
  • Relationship
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Career
  • Health
  • Finances
  • Growth

He would share a goal like, “Get more sleep.” And I would harass him until we reverse engineered what he was actually going to do to make that happen. (Which btw was “Start getting ready for bed at 9 PM”. Dare I say…keep us accountable?)

Reverse Engineering will change the game in your business.

I hear goals from entrepreneurs all the time, and a lot of them sound the same…Write a Book. Have a $100k launch. Get featured in Women’s Health. Host a Retreat.

Those are badass goals!

But the difference between those who accomplish those goals and those who don’t is found in what you do after the goal is set and who you become through the actions you take.

To be the person who accomplishes those cool things…take every single goal or manifestation you have for 2023 and work it backward until you know exactly what you need to do on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to accomplish it (and it’s in your calendar! color coded like the Pittas I know you to be!).

Because, look, I hate to say it but…outcomes are out of our control.

?Pandemics happen. Markets crash. Family needs you. Life is life. What you can control is how you show up, and when you’re clear on how you want to show up, it’s much easier to act.

Let’s do one of my goals together.

GOAL: Be more financially savvy.

  • Book a Q1 call with my accountant
  • Make an S-Corp election to save money on taxes
  • Moved money out of traditional savings and into high-yield savings account and money markets
  • Cancelled subscriptions I haven’t used in more than 3 months
  • Find and listen to 2-3 podcast episodes/books on how to save money/taxes while buying a first home

You’ll notice I wrote down a specific action along with a date or number that keeps me accountable.

Your turn!

Get clear on all of the estimated steps or habits you need to take to become the type of person who reaches your goals.

I want you to look back on this year and be so proud of who you were. It’s not about doing more, hustling harder, or setting bigger goals.

The point of all this is to become someone you feel good about?. And if you’re that? The outcomes will come.

If you loved this newsletter, you’ll be obsessed with James Clear‘s work and his book Atomic Habits. I can’t recommend it enough, especially if you’re someone who helps clients with changing their habits.

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Hi, I'm Rachel.
Your Biz Bff + New Marketing Team.

I've been you. After graduating from business school and working at a digital agency, I left the 9-5 grind and went *all in* on studying Ayurveda, Yoga, Holistic Nutrition, and Reiki. I co-built a wellness brand for 3 years until I realized my magic isn't in being a practitioner, but in being the bestie, marketing team, and hype woman behind the scenes.

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Marketing Strategy for Ayurveda and holistic health practitioners.