

How to Handle “Content” Block

I'm Rachel!

Marketing strategist. Former Ayurveda Health Coach, Yoga Instructor & Holistic Nutritionist. Avid reader. Pitta. 4/6 Manifesting Generator. Obsessed with my Golden.

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I want to dive into something that’s based on actual questions I got asked last week when I shared my Insights Friday story on Instagram with my Grammarly stats.

Some of you asked…

“Do you have a good system for regularly writing?”

“How do you get motivated to actually sit down and stay committed?”

“Why am I so resistant to creating content?”

This made me realize that for as much as we dissect, share, and talk about the minutiae of marketing, sometimes the more high-level things (like how do I actually just sit down to do this shit) need more spotlight?.

But first, I want to say that this is hard for me too!

?There are days I stare at my blank, open OneNote and feel like no one wants to hear my strong opinions or decipher my jokes.

?There are days I have to quit staring at my computer and do something else for a little while because the energy is just ✨not✨ happening.

?And, there are many posts, newsletters, and blogs I’ve written that took me a very, very long time because I was overanalyzing and obsessing over making them perfect rather than done.

So, I get it. Does this sound familiar?

So if yet another week goes by…

  • Without you sending your list that email idea you had in the shower
  • Where you spend more time mindlessly consuming cute puppy videos than putting pen to paper
  • Of creating a beautiful piece of IG content just to post and delete it

Welcome. You’re in the club!

It’s scary to share your thoughts online for anyone to see.

It’s tough to accept that sometimes you’re just going to be misunderstood.

It’s terrifying to try something new/different when people are watching.

But do you know what’s worse?

Never getting your business off the ground because you’re afraid to even try. ?

The world needs more small, heart-centered, soul-led businesses. And if you’re here? You’re either the leader of one or you support the hell out of them. Both are welcome.

So to keep you from folding on yourself, I want to share my very basic, so-simple-it-seems-stupid system that keeps me accountable to myself.

#1. I use my own fears against myself.

I hate being “flaky”. Call it all the Gemini in my chart, the Mani-Gen HD type, or my Enneagram 3 flaring up. I’m not sure why it is, but I know I can use it to my advantage.

I call this my newsletter a weekly newsletter very loud and very often which makes me committed to writing 1x/wk unless I’m out for holidays or travel.

If I’m really not feeling motivated, I double down.

I get on Instagram and share a story about the topic I’m supposed to write about so that now I’m extra committed to writing since it’s been promised.

I’m not sure this is healthy, but for me, it does tend to work.

#2. Make the thing I want to do as frictionless as possible.

Rarely does good writing come out in all one go for me. I need things to be inspired by, react to, or work with. So, that’s how I set up my system…

  • I make regular notes on my phone of ideas I want to talk about
  • I bookmark news, TV shows, IG posts, podcasts, real life stories that make me laugh/give me some sort of reaction
  • I have a recurring to-do in my asana board that repopulates every week letting me know I need to get this done
  • I have a giant OneNote filled with lost ideas, working titles, and brain dumps

That way when it comes time to write, I take away the pouty excuse ? in my head that likes to pretend I “don’t have anything to write about”.

#3 Beat perfectionism by separating the creative process from the editing process.

I never edit and write at the same time. If I try, it stinks. I always unleash all of my thoughts like wildfire.

It’s chaotic.

There are bullets everywhere.

There are sometimes notes I can’t even make sense of the next day.

But this allows me to stay in the creative process and not be judgmental, which keeps that inner Type-A, perfectionist Pitta at bay.

If you have a process you love, let me hear it! ♥ Off to continue being chaotically creative ?

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Hi, I'm Rachel.
Your Biz Bff + New Marketing Team.

I've been you. After graduating from business school and working at a digital agency, I left the 9-5 grind and went *all in* on studying Ayurveda, Yoga, Holistic Nutrition, and Reiki. I co-built a wellness brand for 3 years until I realized my magic isn't in being a practitioner, but in being the bestie, marketing team, and hype woman behind the scenes.

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