
Practitioner Stories

Emilah Dawn DeToro | Dragonfly Coaching and Consulting, LLC

I'm Rachel!

Marketing strategist. Former Ayurveda Health Coach, Yoga Instructor & Holistic Nutritionist. Avid reader. Pitta. 4/6 Manifesting Generator. Obsessed with my Golden.

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Stories about me and my life as an entrepreneur.

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Marketing Insights, Tips, and Research.

Stories from practitioners that inspire you to think differently.

Inspiration. Lessons Learned. Stuff that's not marketing.

What type(s) of holistic medicine or wellness have you studied and what do you specialize in?

I’m an energy medicine geek! I’ve studied homeopathy, flower essences, and began healing people with the energy that came through my hands after a 2004 car accident (Energy Body Alignment).

I am a long-time student and practitioner of yoga, ayurveda, meditation, and am fascinated by all things Vedic. I have completed some formal studies – I was a certified yoga teacher in the Anusara tradition and attended the Ayurvedic Institute as a part of my own healing journey.

My spiritual growth has also been influenced by Unity, a New Thought Church/Movement, Fr. Richard Rohr, Adyashanti, and several guides no longer in form (Sanat Kumar, Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati, and Swami Sivananda). I received coaching certification through Coaching for Transformation and also trained in Presence Based Coaching.

I am an International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and a Certified Sparketype® Advisor (CSA). Brené Brown, Nonviolent Communication, and 12-step programs related to codependency influence my orientation to personal development and psychological healing. Intuitive Life Coaching, my specialty, is a blend of coaching, intuitive work (readings and development), and Energy Body Alignment.

I especially enjoy helping millennials and mid-life highly sensitive people (HSPs), empaths, seekers, and introverts navigate career, relationship and health transitions. I also serve as a coach and guide to those curious and ready to engage their own intuitive and energy healing capacities and spiritual gifts.

Tell us a little about you. What’s your backstory, and how did you get into holistic wellness?

In 1998, when I was 30, I moved to Tucson, AZ to attend graduate school at the University of Arizona. I had been a student affairs professional for many years and this seemed like the next step.

I had been curious about yoga for years and began practicing Anusara yoga which opened the doors to Ayurveda, meditation, and spirituality in general. I spent some time at an Ashram in New York diving more deeply into these practices.

While in Tucson, I was hired by the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona as an administrative assistant which, over time, led to being a qualitative researcher on an NCCAM study exploring “Patient and Provider Perspectives on Homeopathic Treatment”.

In that role, I interviewed 40 practitioners and their clients who had experienced miraculous recoveries from classical homeopathy.

After my young dog was completely healed of urinary incontinence, I was hooked on energy medicine. Around the same time, I entered 12-step to recover from the ingrained habits of codependency. During this time, I discovered I was an introvert, empath, and highly sensitive person (HSP).

Then, in 2004, a rollover car accident cracked open intuitive, psychic, and energy healing capacities that really rocked my world. It took several years to heal the head injury and understand and integrate these gifts with my personality and life on earth. In 2010 I integrated them with coaching to create Intuitive Life Coaching – a blend of coaching, intuitive work, and energy healing. I’ve been in practice ever since.

What’s your preferred style of work?

I enjoy 1:1 and small group work the most and have optimized my business for that. I offer:

  • 1:1 Intuitive Life Coaching through the Whole Shebang 2.0 coaching subscription.
  • 1:1 Intuitive Readings, Energy Body Alignment, Healing for Pets and their People, and Sparked Conversations (based on the Sparketype Assessment).
  • A paid membership, The Dragonfly Collective, where I offer weekly group intuitive readings, a monthly New Moon Intention Circle, and a monthly Full Moon Guided Meditation/Energy Body Alignment Circle.

What is something you’re most proud of in your work?

These last few years I have overcome significant mindset challenges in order to grow my business – marketing, underpricing, etc. I am proud of the work I did to make these shifts as well as the ways in which I integrate intuitive guidance and good business practices to create a thriving business.

I am also proud of my clients. They dive deep to engage their intuition and transform their lives. It’s humbling and rewarding to hold space for their growth.

Where do you get most of your health info from (outside of your traditional study). Are there any podcasts you love, books you’d recommend, or newsletters you enjoy getting?

I enjoy The Good Life Project podcast. Jonathan Fields covers a range of topics, including health and wellness.

I’m currently reading Energy Medicine by Jill Blakeway and am enjoying it.

I read and listen to everything Brene Brown puts out and read many of the books of the people she interviews on her podcast.

Most of my health info comes from my Acupuncturist, Amanda Brown, and my good friend Kimberly Guinta who has studied Ayurveda for years.

Where do you meet most of your clients?

Most of my clients come from referrals. But many also heard me on a podcast or stumbled across my work via social media. I am pretty active on Facebook, Instagram, and more recently I am loving LinkedIn.

If you could give one piece of advice to a new holistic practitioner, what would it be?

Entrepreneurship is a spiritual and personal growth practice. It will push all your buttons and ask you to grow in ways you cannot even imagine. But it can also be incredibly rewarding. Do “the work”. Let your faith in something larger guide you. Cultivate your intuition and follow it – even wen it’s counter cultural!

Where can people find you?

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Hi, I'm Rachel.
Your Biz Bff + New Marketing Team.

I've been you. After graduating from business school and working at a digital agency, I left the 9-5 grind and went *all in* on studying Ayurveda, Yoga, Holistic Nutrition, and Reiki. I co-built a wellness brand for 3 years until I realized my magic isn't in being a practitioner, but in being the bestie, marketing team, and hype woman behind the scenes.

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Marketing Strategy for Ayurveda and holistic health practitioners.