Halloween may be over, but that doesn’t mean we’re done talking about ghosts ?.
And by ghosts I really mean the act of #ghosting. If you follow me on IG, you likely saw the story I shared about a friend who really wanted to change her health.
But when it came to taking the first step, she totally disappeared?.
If you’re an entrepreneur, content creator, business owner, or work in corporate sales, you have had this happen to you.
Heck, even if you’re dating or trying to make plans with a friend, you’ve probably had this happen to you…
?You put your message out there, just to hear *crickets*
? You create a dating profile, just to get *creepy* DMs
?You invite a friend to something, just to have them leave you on *read*

“It never feels good to be rejected. But rejected without knowing why? Woof. That always sends my imagination into overdrive…in the wrong direction..”
What if you could prevent ghosting?
⌛Spend time on people, opportunities, or projects that matter
❔Get a clear yes or no so you know whether or not to move on
?Have an accurate reason that you could either learn from or adjust to
Sounds ideal to me.
Ghosting happens for one reason: miscommunication. Usually one of these scenarios is at play.
?♂️Someone just isn’t that into you, but they’re too nervous to tell you that = lack of communication.
?Someone IS into you, but something is making them nervous about taking the next step = miscommunication
People are always making assumptions from their lived experiences. Sometimes we’re right, and sometimes we are dead-ass wrong.
How can we avoid making an ass out of you and your clients? I’m so happy you asked, let’s dive right in ?♀️.

Upfront Objection Handling in Your Marketing
1. List all of the reasons you’ve ever heard of for why someone was nervous to work with you or didn’t understand what you did.
Think back to family holidays, quitting your job to jump into this work, etc. to get the list started. Or even list some of your own hesitations you had before jumping in, if you can remember them.
Examples within the health coaching space:
“I can’t be plant-based”
“I don’t want to be sober”
“It seems too simple to actually work”
“I cook for my entire family…and they won’t want to do this”
“I order all of my meals out…I have no idea how to make this recipe”
Examples from other spaces:
“Can’t I just use Zillow?”
“But I can’t even touch my toes”
“I hate swallowing pills…I’m definitely not taking supplements”
“I don’t use the apps I have on my phone already”
2. Put yourself in THEIR shoes (even if this was easy for you). Think about how each objection may go deeper than meets than eye.
For example…
????“I cook for my entire family..” → the fear here could be judgement from loved ones, exhaustion over cooking multiple meals, etc.
?♂️“But I can’t even touch my toes” → the fear here is that they’ll look or feel stupid in a yoga class, or that it won’t be for beginners
?“I hate swallowing pills…” → this one may just be what it is
3. Address their concern with a solution in your content.
(Bonus points for storytelling, but that’s another post, and works best when you have more time – like in a sales call)
???? “I cook for my entire family…” → Content Hook: 3 Easy, Vata-Balancing Recipes that your family will love (kid approved!)
?♂️“But I can’t even touch my toes…” → Content Hook: Why not being flexible actually makes you a great yoga student (POV on how yoga is about more than asana)
?“I hate swallowing pills…” → Content Hook: The best powder supplement brands for pill-haters
If you look at the toes example specifically, you can see that this hook directly addresses both of the fears – the surface and underlying one. It lets them know that you’ve got their back, and that they can feel safe in your class.
When you put these pieces of content into your marketing, two magical things happen…
??Your ideal clients feel seen by you
?♀️You have more qualified leads on calls or in your application process
Someday we’ll get to objection handling on a call, but for now…you’re off to the races to ghost-proof your business.
xo, Rachel Jeffries Murphy
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