

10 Things I No Longer Believe About Marketing

I'm Rachel!

Marketing strategist. Former Ayurveda Health Coach, Yoga Instructor & Holistic Nutritionist. Avid reader. Pitta. 4/6 Manifesting Generator. Obsessed with my Golden.

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Apparently, March is the month in which I regularly like to evaluate my life and blow things up?.

  • In March(ish) of 2019, I decided to throw a wellness day-treat, which was the beginning of my decision to leave corporate and go full entrepreneur mode.
  • In March of 2020, the pandemic began, and my husband and I decided to temporarily move closer to my parents, where we had more access to the outdoors (which is influencing bullet #4).
  • In March of 2022, the cycle of SoulFull Veda (my first business) came to a close, and I started Rooted Strategy.
  • This year, Jack and I decided that March would be the month we seriously considered our moving options and started putting offers on a house!

I wish I could say I was an astrologer genius and planned this with the stars, or even that I aligned these decisions with the energetics✨ of Spring.

But that would be lying, as most of the things just…kind of happened.

I’m thankful for each “explosion” because it’s led me here, a place where I’m incredibly grateful to be.

This year, I’m intent on harnessing this power to reflect on what else I’ve blown up and learned from it.

And I realized…a big one is my beliefs about marketing and sales.  

via Giphy

10 things I used to believe about marketing

Old Belief #1. ? Marketing is advertising.

They smack you over the head with this lesson in business school. Marketing is not advertising, but advertising is marketing.

Old Belief #2. ?Selling is convincing someone to buy something from you.

If marketing is done correctly, then sales conversations get to be an opportunity to understand if you can help a prospect, if they’re a good fit to work with and to clear up any confusions they may have about the offering.

Old Belief #3. ? In order for content to have value, I have to share everything I know.

I could never share everything I know in a piece of content, and there are a LOT of other valuable types of content. For example, content that people can relate to, content that inspires others, content that tells a story, or content that answers questions.

Old Belief #4. ? I have to be perfect if I have a personal brand.

Nobody likes a Perfect Polly (sorry if you’re named Polly). Best case scenario is they put me on a pedestal that eventually I’ll fall from. Worst case scenario is that I feel cold and unapproachable. So really, just two bad scenarios.

Old Belief #5. ? More is better.

I post ~1-2x/wk on Instagram and drop a weekly Email, and my client roster has been full for months. Being effective and marketing to the right people is >>> sharing a lot to the wrong audience.

Old Belief #6. ? I cAn HeLp EvErYoNe.

Ugh – I hated the idea of niching my content, but damn if it didn’t work. My biggest fear was that people outside of the niche wouldn’t want to work with me (spoiler: they still did), and that there wasn’t a big enough audience for hyper-targeted content (spoiler: there is).

Old Belief #7. ? Reach is key.

It’s easy to get stuck looking at vanity metrics (aka likes and comments), but reach, engagement, and conversion metrics are all important!! Especially conversions because those = $$$.

Old Belief #8. ? Email marketing is boring.

When I gave up writing emails like I thought I “should”, email marketing became fun!! (more fun to write and more fun for you to read)

Old Belief #9. ? I don’t have time for market research.

This is like saying “I have no time to learn more about my husband”. If I stop learning about my audience and their needs, my relationship with them suffers. If I make this a priority and keep revisiting it, my relationships strengthens.

Old Belief #10. ? If I take a break, I’ll lose all of my progress.

This one applies to my entire life, and I’m really focused on reworking this belief. I’m a doer. I love to do things. I have a LOT of energy (not sure if you could tell??).

But every Spring, I get the signal to slow down a little, and this year, I’m trying to be proactive about taking that nudge seriously. I have so much evidence that when I let something breathe, I infuse new inspiration into it, and it gets 100x better.

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Hi, I'm Rachel.
Your Biz Bff + New Marketing Team.

I've been you. After graduating from business school and working at a digital agency, I left the 9-5 grind and went *all in* on studying Ayurveda, Yoga, Holistic Nutrition, and Reiki. I co-built a wellness brand for 3 years until I realized my magic isn't in being a practitioner, but in being the bestie, marketing team, and hype woman behind the scenes.

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Marketing Strategy for Ayurveda and holistic health practitioners.